We are now accepting online booth applications for the 2020 22nd Seoul Queer Parade(SQP).


The Seoul Queer Parade has taken place every year since 2000, hosted by the Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee in order to increase LGBTQ+ visibility, further human rights, embrace LGBTQ+ culture, and inspire pride within the community.

As per the instructions given by health authorities under the pandemic, the Seoul Queer Parade’s booth programs this year will mainly be held online through webpages on the Seoul Queer Culture Festival’s official website(https://sqcf.org/).

We look forward to a colorful, vibrant 22nd Seoul Queer Parade filled with your diverse online booth programs.

1. The 2021 22nd Seoul Queer Parade Online Booth Program Outline

1) Number of booths installed: Approximately 60 pages

2) Number of booths available each team can apply for: 1 booth page per team

2. Application Timeline

1) Application Submission Period: March 13th (Sat) - April 4th (Sun) 24:00, 2021

2) Annoucement of selected applicants on the Seoul Queer Culture Festival official website(https://sqcf.org/)’s notice page within two weeks after applications close

3) Payment of booth fees after selection

4) Announcement of further booth management guidelines

3. Application Procedure

1) Make sure to read “4. Notices(2021 version)” below and “Online Booth Application Guidelines” attached at the very end of this page.

2) Fill out and submit your application through this link: https://forms.gle/wSpi4mS9fYiG3G5D7


4. Notices

1)  Please be aware that the dates and schedule of the event may be subject to change depending on the situation.

2) The selection process will take the online environment of the booths into account. Please be aware of the Online Booth Application Guidelines before applying.

3) We request that you include participatory activities that all participants can join and enjoy when writing your booth program proposal. As your application will be evaluated based on the booth programs you have proposed, please be as clear and specific as possible in your description.

4) You must have two people on your team who can be reached by the Seoul Queer Parade Executive Committee. Please put in their contact information in your application. Putting in the personal contact information of only one person twice can hinder effective communication in an emergency. Please put in the personal contact information of two different people.

5) Even if an accepted team decides to withdraw, no additional applications will be considered. Please apply responsibly as canceling after being selected may hinder the application of other teams.

6) We do not accept rejected applicants reapplying for joint booth operation with accepted applicants. Please apply for joint booth operation in your initial application; we give preference to joint booth operators.

7) If selected as a joint booth of two or more teams, the teams involved may split the booth fees among themselves.

8) This announcement concerns online booth applications and is separate from offline booth applications. Whether or not to host offline booth programs will be decided in accordance with instructions from health authorities following the pandemic, with offline booth applications to take place afterwards.

9) If the decision to host offline booth programs is made, a team may apply to and operate both online and offline booths. However, each team cannot apply for more than one online booth and one offline booth each (e.g. Applying for one online booth page and one offline booth section: accepted; Applying for one online booth page and two offline booth sections: not accepted).

5. Online Booth Fees

1) Non-profit civic organizations or individuals: 70,000 won

2) For-profit businesses, foreign embassies, public institutions, etc.: Please make a separate inquiry through contact@sqcf.org

6. Inquiries

1) Event Inquiries: sqpexe@sqcf.org

2) Booth Inquiries: booth.sqpexe@sqcf.org

사단법인 서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회

Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee

서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회는 서울특별시 등록 비영리사단법인으로서 국세청 등에 회계보고의 의무를 성실히 수행하고 있습니다.

이사장 양선우 | 개인정보책임자 강명진 | contact@sqcf.org | 02-332-6551 | 서울시 마포구 서강로 138 6층 | 고유번호  416-82-22127

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