[Application] 2019 20th Seoul Queer Parade (SQP) Booth Applications Open



Inquiries │ parade.kqcf@gmail.com




Booth registration will be open simultaneously for the Seoul Queer Parade, the SQCF’s biggest event, and Seoul Pink Dot, a special event scheduled the evening before to celebrate the SQCF’s 20th anniversary. We look forward to your attention and participation.



Registration period: March 4th 2019 ~ March 20th (UTC+09:00)

How to registerSubmit your application through the link → goo.gl/forms/arYEsB4kv7Fs2D8l1 

Selection process: Online applications evaluated based on the criteria stipulated in the registration guidelines.

Results Announcement: Released on the notice board of the SQCF official website (sqcf.org) within 2 weeks after the registration deadline.



* <Seoul Pink dot> is…http://sqcf.org/english/176537


* Submit your booth applications for Seoul Pink Dot through the following linkhttp://sqcf.org/english/176554



Last year, we were not able to accept about 50 applications.

We review application forms thoroughly and announce the results on our website.

Please make sure to read the notice below and the booth registration guidelines and fill out your application with care. 

We look forward to having your diverse, colorful booths at the Seoul Queer Parade and Seoul Pink Dot.

(We evaluate each application based on its accordance with the spirit of the SQCF and its realizability.)



사단법인 서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회

Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee

서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회는 서울특별시 등록 비영리사단법인으로서 국세청 등에 회계보고의 의무를 성실히 수행하고 있습니다.

이사장 양선우 | 개인정보책임자 강명진 | contact@sqcf.org | 02-332-6551 | 서울시 마포구 서강로 138 6층 | 고유번호  416-82-22127

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