In regard to COVID-19, the Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee is considering all possible scenarios to respond immediately if a change in plans (e.g. scheduled dates) becomes necessary.


This is the Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee, wishing you peace and good health.


We are preparing for the Seoul Queer Culture Festival (the Seoul Queer Parade, the Korean Queer Film Festival, etc.) to take place as planned, as there are still several months until our scheduled dates in late May to early June. Various application announcements and guidelines will also be released as previously planned.


However, the health of our participants is our top priority. We are closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19, staying up to date with the guidelines given by health authorities, and considering all possible scenarios to respond immediately if a change in plans (e.g. scheduled dates) becomes necessary.


The Seoul Queer Culture Festival has been held every year for the last two decades, and we are dedicated to creating a successful festival this year as well. We hope for a swift end to the COVID-19 epidemic so that we may meet you in good health.



The Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee

사단법인 서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회

Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee

서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회는 서울특별시 등록 비영리사단법인으로서 국세청 등에 회계보고의 의무를 성실히 수행하고 있습니다.

이사장 양선우 | 개인정보책임자 강명진 | contact@sqcf.org | 02-332-6551 | 서울시 마포구 서강로 138 6층 | 고유번호  416-82-22127

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