Announcing the 2023 23rd Korea Queer Film Festival(KQFF) International Submissions Results(Official Selection).


Greetings from the Korea Queer Film Festival Executive Committee.

It is our great pleasure to announce the International Selection for the 2023 23rd Korea Queer Film Festival.

This year we received 286 entries from 55 countries and selected a total of 16 films for screening. Year after year, the selection pool is more competitive, and we regret not being able to select every film for screening.

We hope that the films from our Official Selection will enrich the Korea Queer Film Festival with its diverse portrayals of queer lives and perspectives.

1. Evaluation Criteria

1) Overall quality: artistic direction, editing, sound editing, actors’ performances, among others

2) Topicality: whether the film’s overall message is topical to Korean society

3) Popular appeal: whether the film has popular appeal, and if so, how broad is it

4) Diversity: whether the film portrays unique issues/topics that are hard to come by outside the scope of a film festival(Because it's experimental, because it's an unfamiliar genre, because it's a work in a country you don't have access to, etc.)

5) Others: whether the film spotlights any overlooked or neglected issues pertaining to the queer community, or the queer lives and perspectives of those outside of the Western world

2. Selection Process

Hello, this is the Korea Queer Film Festival Executive Committee.

This year’s pool has had some of the most colorful and exciting entries that the committee has yet had the pleasure to review. We were particularly delighted by the entries that highlighted queer existence through documentary storytelling and those that invented new queer methodologies through experimental artistic direction.

It was thanks to the films that illustrated queer lives as-is, as well as queer lives beyond the as-is, in a different future, that the selection process was made more competitive and compelling.

Much effort was expended to select films that align best with this year’s slogan, “Shall We Queer?”—films that contain the 'Queer' stories that 'We' represent—and much regret must be expressed on behalf of films that we could not select for screening. 

The committee is honored to have had the opportunity to ponder who 'We', as a community, are. In judging, we aimed to traverse boundaries and listen to diverse voices as much as possible. 

The Official Selection consists of an array of films from the genres of drama, documentary, and experimental that express love, censorship, hatred, wit, and beauty. 

We are truly honored to introduce these films to Korea, and we hope to see you at the movies!

The Korea Queer Film Festival Executive Committee

3. Contact Details

- Please contact Korea Queer Film Festival Executive Committee at kqff@kqff.co.kr.

4. International Selection*

1) Burial of Life as a Young Girl

- France | 2022 | 34min | Short

- Director | Maïté Sonnet

2) Cracks Will Come

- Colombia | 2022 | 19min | Short

- Director | Daniel Mateo Vallejo

3) Dilating For Maximum Results

- United States | 2023 | 15min | Short

- Director | Nyala Moon

4) Expecting

- France | 2022 | 30min | Short

- Director | Alice Douard

5) i get so sad sometimes

- Philippines | 2021 | 21min | Short

- Director | Trishtan Perez


- Brazil | 2022 | 21min | Short


7) Lotus Sports Club

- Netherlands, Cambodia | 2022 | 72min | Documentary, Feature

- Director | Tommaso Colognese, Vanna Hem

8) Narcissism: The Auto-Erotic Images.

- Germany | 2022 | 91min | Documentary

- Director | Toni Karat


- Greece | 2022 | 18min | Documentary

- Director | Kalliopi Legaki

10) Reflections

- Mexico, Spain | 2022 | 12min | Short

- Director | Kane Kwik

11) Rooted

- Taiwan | 2022 | 29min | Short, Student

- Director | Yi-wei Wu

12) Safe Word

- United States | 2022 | 15min | Short

- Director | Christopher Cunetto

13) Tank Fairy

- Taiwan, United States | 2021 | 10min | Short

- Director | Erich Rettstadt

14) The Girl Behind the Mirror

- Brazil | 2021 | 13min | Animation, Short

- Director | Iuri Moreno

15) The Note

- Singapore | 2021 | 1min | Short

- Director | Jen Nee Lim

16) Who Owns The Sky

- Switzerland | 2022 | 82min | Documentary

- Director | Sabian Baumann

* Listed in alphabetical order.

사단법인 서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회

Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee

서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회는 서울특별시 등록 비영리사단법인으로서 국세청 등에 회계보고의 의무를 성실히 수행하고 있습니다.

이사장 양선우 | 개인정보책임자 강명진 | contact@sqcf.org | 02-332-6551 | 서울시 마포구 서강로 138 6층 | 고유번호  416-82-22127

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