Support us through International Solidarity: Upon Seoul Metropolitan Government’s Decision to Disallow the Use of Seoul Plaza


Hello, this is the Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee. 

On May 3, the Seoul Metropolitan Government made the decision to disallow the Seoul Queer Parade(SQP), scheduled on July 1, from using Seoul Plaza. An event hosted by a Christian organization was approved to use the plaza instead.

The Seoul Queer Parade began in 2000 and was held in Seoul Plaza every year from 2015 except during the pandemic years. Despite this history, the Seoul Metropolitan Government blatantly excluded and unilaterally disallowed the Seoul Queer Parade, allowing another event in a decision that forwent due legal process.

In South Korean society, "discriminatory administration" against the LGBTQ+ community runs rampant, casting LGBTQ+ people out of the public sphere and institutionalizing discrimination. Hate rooted in religion further fuels this regression. 

We need active solidarity from the international LGBTQ+ community to raise awareness and push back against this situation.

1. Please share news of the Seoul Queer Parade and stay tuned for more to come. Please send support to the South Korean LGBTQ+ community. 

2. You can also support the Seoul Queer Parade by donating through PayPal (https://www.paypal.me/sqcforg).

The SQCF Organizing Committee will prepare to host the 24th Seoul Queer Parade on July 1 while continuing our campaign against discriminatory administration. We ask the global LGBTQ+ community to support us in our efforts.

사단법인 서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회

Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee

서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회는 서울특별시 등록 비영리사단법인으로서 국세청 등에 회계보고의 의무를 성실히 수행하고 있습니다.

이사장 양선우 | 개인정보책임자 강명진 | contact@sqcf.org | 02-332-6551 | 서울시 마포구 서강로 138 6층 | 고유번호  416-82-22127

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