The information about the 2022 23rd Seoul Queer Parade(SQP).(Event Details)


The 2022 23rd Seoul Queer Parade(SQP)

1) Dates and Venue: 2022.07.16(Sat), Seoul Plaza

2) Website, Social Media:

(1) Website: https://www.sqcf.org/

(2) E-mail: sqpexe@sqcf.org

(3) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sqpexe

(4) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sqpexe

(5) Twitter: https://twitter.com/sqpexe

(6) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/sqcforg/

3) Donation:

(1) General information in regard to making donations can be found in the following link (Korean): https://www.sqcf.org/donate

(2) If donating from overseas, you may donate your desired amount through the following PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/sqcforg

4) Program: 

(1) Booths:

① Time: 11:00~19:00

② Introduction: More than 80 booths will be welcoming participants with various programs. Please enjoy our offline, in-person pride event that has not been possible for a while, and help us continue to create such experiences through donations.

(2) Welcome Performances:

① Time: 14:00~16:00

② Introduction: There will be performances to welcome everyone who came to the Seoul Queer Parade. Enjoy exciting performances until the march starts, and power up by listening to the speeches of solidarity from people coming from different parts of Korean society.

(3) Parade(March):

① Time: 16:00~17:30

② Introduction: Our pride march has returned after three years. Dance and celebrate! Let’s color every part of Seoul and celebrate with pride.

(4) Celebrating Performances:

① Time: 17:30~19:00

② Introduction: There will be performances to celebrate the end of the march. Please hold on tp the happiness and pride you felt at the Seoul Queer Parade. We will meet again next year to celebrate each other’s existence. 

5) Information for Participants:

(1) The entrance and exit are kept separate.

① To ensure the safety of participants to avoid congestion, we are keeping the entrance and exit separate. Please use accordingly.

② Passage may be restricted to prevent the members of anti-LGBTQ+ groups from entering. We appreciate your cooperation.

(2) There are restroom trailers.

① All restrooms inside the plaza are gender-neutral. There are also restrooms for participants using wheelchairs or strollers.

② Besides these restrooms, there are also public restrooms nearby. Please search for “restroom(화장실)” on map applications to find public restrooms nearby.

(3) There is an infirmary

① There is an infirmary with medical professionals and volunteers at any time, as well as first aid supplies.

② The infirmary is located in the closest booth from the entrance on its left.

③ If you feel affected by heat or otherwise need a place to rest, please use the infirmary.

(4) Help desk for incidents receive reports on, including but not limited to, theft, lost items, sexual harassment, physical violence, and emotional abuse.

① Although it may be difficult to solve all the reported cases, the Organizing Committee operates the help desk for incidents to prevent similar cases in the future and help people report to the police.

② If possible, record the time and place of the incident and the description of the suspect. Please leave photographic or video recording to submit later as evidence. Submitting such recordings upon your report will help in responding to the case.

(5) If someone attempts to interview or record you, please check the following:

① The SQCF Organizing Committee issues guidelines for interviews and recordings as well as press cards to all members of the press. 

② When you are asked for an interview, please check if the interviewer has a press card. It is helpful to ask for their business card or contact information, affiliation, and purpose of the interview.

(6) The parade is scheduled to begin at 16:00.

- Please pay attention to the announcements on-site as there may be changes depending on the situation.

(7) Please be careful not to stray away from the parade procession.

① Please be careful to avoid collisions with vehicles or pedestrians outside the parade procession.

② There will be vehicles passing by along the oncoming lane. For your safety, please beware of opposing traffic when taking photographs, moving between floats, or dancing.

(8) The staff members are working hard to prevent any accident.

- The staff members will be placed near the procession to ensure the safety of the participants. Please follow their instructions during the parade.

(9) Please enter the Plaza right away when the parade ends.

① Floats and participants at the back cannot move if there is congestion at the front. Please go directly into Seoul Plaza once you return.

② There will be performances prepared to celebrate the parade participants. Enter the plaza right away to enjoy them.

(10) Smoking is banned in all parts of Seoul Plaza.

- For smoking, please use the smoking area outside of the plaza.

(11) There is a recycling zone.

- Inside the plaza, there is a zone for recycling, as well as a professional cleaning company to handle recycling and trash for cleanliness and hygiene reasons.

6) Wheelchair Accessibility (Barrier-Free)

(1) It is possible to ride a wheelchair inside Seoul Plaza and during the parade.

(2) There are barrier-free facilities.

① There is a designated barrier-free zone for participants using wheelchairs or strollers in front of the stage.

② There are restroom trailers inside the plaza, including those for participants using wheelchairs or strollers.

(3) Sign language translation and text transcripts will be provided for the stage programs.

- Using the screen next to the stage, sign language translation and text transcripts for Welcome and Celebrating performances will be provided.

(4) For the participants using wheelchairs, we will notify a separate exit for the parade.

- Please come to where the parade will start before its scheduled time (16:00) so that staff members can lead wheelchair-using participants to their exit.

7) Guidelines for Interviews, Photos, and Recordings(Press):

(1) If you have the intention to cover the event and its participants and distribute it to the public, besides taking and uploading selfies or group photos of yourself or your personal group, you must have a press card in order to interview and document the event and its participants.

(2) The usage of the interview, photo and recording must adhere to the Journalist Association of Korea’s article “Human Rights Reporting Rules Chapter 8 Rights of the Sexual Minority”(http://www.journalist.or.kr/news/section4.html?p_num=7).

※ Chapter 8 The Rights of Sexual Minorities

1. The press should not approach sexual minorities with curiosity or the intention of exclusion. 

A. Be careful not to use expressions demeaning sexual minorities, false information, or erroneous words such as ‘sexual preference.’ 

B. Do not suggest that sexual minorities are wrong and sinful.

C. Unless absolutely necessary, do not reveal one’s sexual orientation or identity.

D. Do not use hateful expressions against sexual minorities.

2. The press should not associate sexual minorities with certain diseases or social pathologies. 

A. Be careful not to describe the sexual identity of sexual minorities as mental disorders or curable diseases.

B. Do not link to certain social pathological phenomena such as HIV/AIDS, prostitution, or drugs.

(3) Even if you have been issued a press card you must get consent from the participant and share your affiliation, purpose, business card or contact information to interview/record a participant.

(4) In case of filming the crowd, please take it from as far as you can.

(5) Information on Press Card

① Press cards are issued from the Press Booth. (Booth operating hours: 10:00~19:00)

② This requirement is applicable to: any form of media including TV, newspapers, magazines, webzines, professional photographers, documentary producers, Youtube/Africa video content creators, and any online communities such as BAND.

③ Procedures

i. Please fill out and submit the application form, along with your business card. 

ii. A deposit of 1,000 KRW will be collected for each press card.*

* If returned within the Press Booth operating hours, the deposit will be  refunded.

(6) List of media not permitted to cover the parade

- The SQCF organizing committee fully endorses journalists who fight for a world without discrimination, but we take a firm stance against media that reinforce discrimination and hatred against the LGBTQ+ community.

- KHTV, Kookmin Ilbo(국민일보/Kukmin Daily), Christian Today(크리스천투데이)

사단법인 서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회

Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee

서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회는 서울특별시 등록 비영리사단법인으로서 국세청 등에 회계보고의 의무를 성실히 수행하고 있습니다.

이사장 양선우 | 개인정보책임자 강명진 | contact@sqcf.org | 02-332-6551 | 서울시 마포구 서강로 138 6층 | 고유번호  416-82-22127

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