Announcing the 2024 24th Korea Queer Film Festival’s “KQFF Choice” Selections.


First of all, we would like to thank everyone who participated in the 24th Korea Queer Film Festival. It is thanks to everyone who submitted entries for this year's film festival, the directors, the actors, the staff, and audience members, that the horizon of queer films can continue to expand.

Hence, we are announcing the KQFF Choice Selections for this year with great gratitude in our hearts and best wishes for everyone going forward. The KQFF Choice Award is given to what we define as the “Queer films of the year,” selected by the KQFF Executive Committee, and the Honorary Mention from the Executive Committee Award is given to what we define as “Queer films to keep an eye on,” also selected by the Executive Committee.

This year, two films, <MY HEART IS GOING TO EXPLODE!> and <I'm in love with Edgar Allan Poe> were selected for the KQFF Choice Award. And <Embrasse-moi> were selected for the Honorary Mention from the Executive Committee Award. Congratulations to all winners!

Waiting for the day we can meet again, the KQFF Executive Committee will happily prepare for next year. Thank you.

1. KQFF Choice


Unafraid to show off its outlandish vibrant imagery, <MY HEART IS GOING TO EXPLODE> transforms what it means to be a societal outcast into a journey of finding your true strength. Forever gaslit, Sujin spends a peculiar night with Munjeong and then has to save the world with the very same outsider. To do so, Sujin has to bring forth what she had hidden inside all along, in what feels like a sincere metaphor for being queer. And with its unconventional setting yet honest heart, <MY HEART IS GOING TO EXPLODE> offers warm acceptance to everyone who has ever felt unseen.

2) I'm in love with Edgar Allan Poe (Director: Andrea A. Walter)

<I'm in love with Edgar Allan Poe> doesn’t wear its queerness on its sleeve. While queer, the characters aren’t defined by the fact and just are. Queerness is ingrained into the journey they take throughout the film, the subtlety that shows the craftsmanship of its creators. As queer films slowly move on to a new era, those like <I'm in love with Edgar Allan Poe> lead the charge, revealing new stories that we can tell. Having not to prove or shout out our queerness, and being able to exist, wouldn’t that be a cause for our Queer Fanfare?

2. Honorary Mention from the Executive Committee   

- Embrasse-moi (Director: Hristo Todorov)

Queerness in the public consciousness is so often only portrayed as young romantic love. <Embrasse-moi> breaks free from that image and works to shine a light into the bigger, colorful mosaic that is our existence, and into the numerous possibilities of love and intimacy that come with it. Offering a mature perspective, <Embrasse-moi> is an exploration of the complexities that come with relationships, as well as an imaginative look into its themes.

🧡 Donate to the KQFF! The horizon of queer films can continue to expand!

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사단법인 서울퀴어문화축제조직위원회

Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee

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