1. Slogan
2. Dates
- 2024.05.27(Mon)-06.18(Tue)
3. Introduction
- The Seoul Queer Culture Festival(SQCF) is a series of open cultural events hosted in Seoul every summer with the vision of “Creating a space where all people with diverse identities, including sexual orientation and gender identity, mingle equally and enjoy”.
Since the first event in 2000 when it was called “Queer Culture Festival-Rainbow 2000”, the festival had taken place with different names like “Queer Culture Festival-Rainbow OOOO” and “Queer Culture Festival” before finally settling on “Seoul Queer Culture Festival” in 2018 and continues under this name today.
The festival’s highlights include the Seoul Queer Parade and the Korea Queer Film Festival, as well as other diverse events during the festival period.
It is hosted and organized by the Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee, which consists of citizen volunteers.
4. Host & Organizer
- Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee
5. Website & Social Media Pages
1) Website: https://sqcf.org/
2) E-mail: contact@sqcf.org
3) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sqcforg
4) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sqcforg
5) X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/sqcforg
6) YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/sqcforg/
6. Donation
1) General information in regard to making donations can be found in the following link(Korean): https://sqcf.org/donate
2) If donating from overseas, you may donate your desired amount through the following PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/sqcforg
7. Online Queer Parade 2024
1) Dates & Venue: 2024.05.27(Mon)-06.18(Tue), Online Queer Parade Website(https://online.sqcf.org/) and other social media platforms
2) Introduction: "Online Queer Parade” was launched to move beyond the environment that was difficult for us to meet face to face due to the pandemic in 2020. The Online Queer Parade continues to this day to foster online communication and solidarity. Every participant can create their own avatar and upload them on social media. By using hashtags and other features, the participants can form a virtual parade with their avatars. With this parade, we aim to send a vibrant, joyful message of solidarity to the LGBTQIA+ community.
In 2022, the Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee received the rights to operate the Online Queer Parade and the related copyrights from Dotface, which hosted the 1st and the 2nd Online Queer Parade. Since then, the Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee has been the host of the Online Queer Parade.
3) How to participate
(1) Go to the Online Queer Parade website.
- https://online.sqcf.org/
(2) Create your own avatar and save it.
- Use various settings to create your avatar and save the completed avatar. You can choose your nickname, hairstyle, clothes, and accessories as you wish.
(3) Post it on the Online Queer Parade website or on social media feeds.
- You can upload the saved image on various social media, including Online Queer Parade website or on Instagram. In social media, If you upload it with hashtag #YESQUEER, you can join the other participants. Please upload with the alternative text provided with the final image so that more people including those with seeing disability could understand your avatar. Your avatar image can be used in various ways, including your social media profile picture.
(4) Time to brag!
- You can see your avatar joining the Online Queer Parade procession along with other avatars on the Online Queer Parade website or through social media hashtags. Screenshot it and show it off here and there.
8. Rainbow Merch Festa 2024
1) Dates & Venue: 2024.05.27(Mon)-06.18(Tue), Rainbow Store Website(https://rainbowstore.net/event)
2) Introduction: Meet colorful merchandise in “Rainbow Merch Festa”! Rainbow Merch Festa is an E-commerce platform which introduces merchandise made from small businesses, to one-person companies, content creators and organizations that are operating meaningful businesses to support the LGBTQIA+ community. Don't miss the limited-edition goods and events that you can only see during the Festa!
9. The 2024 24th Korea Queer Film Festival(KQFF)
1) Online Screening Dates & Venue: 2024.06.01(Sat)-06.18(Tue), Purplay Website(https://purplay.co.kr/kqff2024)
2) Offline Screening Dates & Venue: 06.15(Sat)-16(Sun), arthouse MOMO(Ewha Women’s Univ, ECC B402; 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul)
3) Website & Social Media Pages:
(1) Website: https://www.kqff.co.kr/
(2) E-mail: kqff@kqff.co.kr
(3) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kqcfkqff
(4) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kqcfkqff
(5) X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/kqcfkqff
(6) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/sqcforg/
4) Screening Information:
(1) Online Screening Platform
① Platform: Purplay (https://purplay.co.kr/kqff2024)
② Screening Dates: 2024.06.01(Sat) 00:00-06.18(Tue) 24:00
③ How to Use: Through Purplay’s PC or mobile website(PC recommended)
④ Ticket Price: Section(Package) 6,000 KRW, Feature 6,000 KRW, Short 2,000 KRW
⑤ How to Purchase:
i. Sign up/log into Purplay’s website(https://purplay.co.kr/kqff2024) → Click [Korea Queer Film Festival Online Theater] page → Purchase tickets
ii. Payment Methods: Credit card, KakaoPay, Micropayment, Real-time bank transfer
⑥ Ticket Valid Period: 48 hours
⑦ Cancellation and Refund: Refund not issued after payment
⑧ Subtitles:
ⅰ. For international films, Korean and English subtitles are provided.
ⅱ. Among domestic(Korean) films, Subtitles are not provided. We apologize for any inconvenience.
⑨ Rating: Ⓖ General Audiences, ⑫ Rated 12, ⑮ Rated 15, ⑱ Rated 18
⑩ Note:
ⅰ.Tickets may be purchased until the last day – June 18 (Tue) 21:00. Viewing is valid for 48 hours from the time of purchase.
ⅱ. No cancellations or refunds are allowed even if the tickets were not
used during the screening period.
ⅲ. All films will be watermarked.
(2) Offline Screening Venue:
① Venue: arthouse MOMO(Ewha Women’s Univ, ECC B402; 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul)
② Screening Dates: 2024.06.15(Sat)-16(Sun)
③ Ticket Price: Closing Ceremony 15,000 KRW, General Film 10,000 KRW
④ How to Purchase:
ⅰ. Purchase it through arthouse MOMO website(https://www.arthousemomo.co.kr/)
ⅱ. Payment Methods: Credit card, KakaoPay, Micropayment, Payco
⑤ Cancellation and refund: Up to 20 minutes before the viewing time, no refund if viewing time has passed
⑥ Subtitles:
ⅰ. For international films, Korean and English subtitles are provided.
ⅱ. Among domestic(Korean) films, Subtitles are not provided. We apologize for any inconvenience.(Closing film provided with English subtitles)
ⅲ. Seats for wheelchair users are available.
⑦ Rating: Ⓖ General Audiences, ⑫ Rated 12, ⑮ Rated 15, ⑱ Rated 18
⑧ Side Events Notes: GV(Guest Visit, Talk with the Audience)
⑨ Note:
i. All films showcased in Korean Queer Film Festival will start at the stated time, and late entry after 10 minutes since the start of the film will be limited. Designated seats marked on the tickets are not guaranteed after the movie starts. In the case of the short film section, you can enter the auditorium after every short film is over.
ii. Some foods and drinks may not be allowed to ensure a pleasant theater experience for everyone.
5) Side Events:
(1) GV(Guest Visit, Talk with the Audience)
① Introduction: The director, actors, or staff members who participated in the production of the movie will take the time to communicate with the audience.
② [Domestic feature -1-] Threaten Korea Queer Culture Festival - Love your neighbor as yourself | 06.15(Sat) 10:00-11:03, Darak-bang, starts after screening
③ [Domestic feature -2-] Home Ground | 06.16(Sun) 10:00-11:25, Darak-bang, starts after screening
④ [Domestic short -1-] Queering Film(퀴어링 필름) | 06.15(Sat) 17:19-19:25, Theater 1, starts after screening
⑤ [Domestic short -2-] Encounter(마주침) | 06.15(Sat) 19:40-21:56, Theater 1, starts after screening
⑥ [Domestic short -3-] Ready, Action, Go!(레디, 액션, 고!) | 06.16(Sun) 11:40-14:05, Theater 1, starts after screening
⑦ [International short -2-] Here and Nowhere Else(다른 곳 아닌, 바로 이곳) <GIRLY / Coffee Grapefruit Cacao> | 06.15(Sat) 13:17-15:12, Theater 1, starts after screening
⑧ [Australian Embassy in Korea Special Screening -2-] Together in cinema <Neuromance / Isla’s Way> | 06.16(Sun) 16:34-18:30, Theater 1, starts after screening(Audience greetings)
⑨ [Closing film] Concerning My Daughter | 06.16(Sun) 19:10-22:00, Theater 1, Progressed in the following order: Closing ceremony–GV–Closing film
(2) Closing Ceremony
① Introduction: After the film, there will be an “Ending Credit”, which is the way we the Film Festival would like to end this year’s journey. There will be a KQFF Choice award ceremony and surprise guest visits.
② Dates & Venue: 06.16(Sun) 19:10-22:00, Theater 1, Progressed in the following order: Closing ceremony–GV–Closing film
10. The 2024 25th Seoul Queer Parade(SQP)
1) Dates and Venue: 2024.06.01(Sat), Area extending from Namdaemun-ro to Ujeongguk-ro(Euljiro Station~Jonggak Station)
2) Website & Social Media Pages:
(1) Website: https://www.sqcf.org/
(2) E-mail: sqpexe@sqcf.org
(3) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sqpexe
(4) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sqpexe
(5) X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/sqpexe
(6) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/sqcforg/
3) Program:
(1) Booth Events:
① Time: 11:00-19:00
② Introduction: There are about 60 booths where you can join in various creative and interactive activities. Take a look around the venue and try participating in each of these activities. You can also help different NGOs which work hard for our community by making donations.
(2) Welcome Performances:
① Time: 14:00-16:00
② Introduction: This part of the event welcomes everyone who are joining the Seoul Queer Parade. Please enjoy the exciting performances before the start of the parade. Additionally, please listen to the joint remarks of people from all walks of life in Korean society, and feel the energy of support and solidarity.
(3) Parade(March):
① Time: 16:00-18:00
② Introduction: We will march around the city with pride. We will dance and cheer with overflowing energy, celebrating and standing in solidarity with each other. As we exist, gather, and walk together, Seoul will become a city full of rainbow colors and possibilities for coexistence.
(4) Celebrating Performances:
① Time: 18:00-19:30
② Introduction: This part of the event celebrates our completion and safe return from the march. Please hold on to the passion and pride you have recharged at the Seoul Queer Parade, which is held only once a year. We will meet again next year to celebrate each other's existence.
4) Information for participants:
(1) Guidance on accessibilities for persons with disabilities
① You can move around the venue by wheelchair.
ⅰ. The venue and the parade course are wheelchair-accessible.
ⅱ. There are restrooms inside the venue for participants with wheelchairs.
② Sign language and text interpretations(both in Korean) will be conducted.
ⅰ. Sign language and text interpretations will be available during stage events(Welcome Performances, Celebrating Performances) on the screen in stage.
ⅱ. The sign language used at the Seoul Queer Culture Festival is based on "Deaf and Gender Minorities X Korean Sign Language: A language of respect and affirmation that removes prejudice and hatred (https://deafqueerkor.org/dqksl-about/ #)" developed and compiled by the "Korea Deaf LGBT Preparation Committee". Thank you for the hard work of the Korea Deaf LGBT Preparation Committee.
(2) On the Day of the Event
① There are restroom trailers.
ⅰ. Portable restrooms are installed inside the venue and are gender-neutral. There are also restrooms for participants with wheelchairs and strollers.
ⅱ. If you are looking for other restrooms nearby, you can find one by searching "화장실(Restrooms)” on the map application and locating public restrooms nearby.
② There will be an area dedicated to separating the trash.
- There is an area for separate waste collection inside the venue, and professional cleaning companies reside for waste collection, disposal, and maintaining the venue's cleanliness and hygiene.
③ There will be medical offices.
ⅰ. There is a medical office inside the venue, with professional medical staff and volunteers stationed to prepare for emergency situations. Emergency medicine is also provided.
ii. The medical office is operated in cooperation with the "한국성소수자의료연구회(Korean Association for LGBTQ Medicine)". We would like to thank them for their hard work.
④ When someone tries to interview or film the participants, please check the following.
ⅰ. The SQCF Organizing Committee is issuing press cards to all forms of media, along with guidelines for coverage and filming.
ⅱ. If you are asked for consent to be interviewed or featured in a media clip, please check whether or not the reporters and photographers have a press card. Keeping their affiliation, purpose, business card, or contact information can also be of great help in the case of unexpected incidents
⑤ Please be careful not to leave the parade route once the event starts.
ⅰ. Please take care not to collide with vehicles or pedestrians outside the parade as you march.
ⅱ. Vehicles such as buses and passenger cars will pass through the opposite lane of the parade route. For your safety, please be careful of this when you take photos, move your seat, or start walking around.
ⅲ. Around the parade route, staff members are working to keep you safe. Please follow the on-site guidance of the staff.
⑥ Please move back inside the venue right after the parade.
ⅰ. If the final destination is crowded, the following vehicles and other participants cannot move. Please enter inside the venue as soon as you arrive, to secure a space for everyone.
ⅱ. The venue has a celebrating performances for participants who returned safely from the parade, so please go inside and enjoy the performances.
5) Guidelines for Reporting and Filming(Press Information):
(1) With the exception of taking and releasing photos and videos(selfies, group photos, etc.) with yourself or with your group, gatherings, friends, etc., if you intend to cover and film other participants or distribute the content to an unspecified number of people, you must follow these guidelines for coverage and filming. In addition, you must obtain a press card through the press booth on the day of the event.
(2) The content of the coverage and filming must comply with the provisions of the Journalists Association of Korea's "Human Rights Reporting Rules Chapter 8: LBGTQ+ Rights"(http://www.journalist.or.kr/news/section4.html?p_num=7).
※ Chapter 8 LGBTQ+ Rights
1. The media does not approach sexual minorities with curiosity or exclusionary eyes.
A. Be wary of the use of incorrect concepts such as expressions that disparage sexual minorities, content that distorts the truth, and vocabulary such as 'sexual taste'.
B. Do not create content that contains nuances that sexual minorities are wrong and corrupt.
C. Do not reveal one's sexual orientation or gender identity unless absolutely necessary.
D. Do not use expressions that imply any hatred for the LGBTQ+ community.
2. The media does not link sexual minorities to certain diseases or social pathological phenomena.
A. Be careful not to use expressions that describe the gender identity of the LGBTQ+ community as a mental illness or treatable disease.
B. Do not make links to specific diseases such as AIDS or social pathological phenomena such as prostitution and drugs.
(3) Even if you are issued a press card, if you intend to cover and film for other participants or distribute the contents to an unspecified readership, you must share your affiliation, contact information, name, business card, etc. with the person being filmed and obtain their final consent.
(4) If personal information, including the faces of other participants, is unintentionally filmed in addition to the person subject to the consent, the personal information of other participants who did not seek consent should be protected via blurring out their faces in the photos.
(5) List of media not permitted to cover
- The SQCF Organizing Committee fully endorses journalists who fight for a better world without discrimination, but takes a firm stance against media that reinforces discrimination and hatred against the LGBTQ+ community.
- KHTV, Kookmin Ilbo(국민일보/Kukmin Daily), Daily Good News(데일리굿뉴스), Christian Today (크리스천투데이)
11. In Celebration of the 25th Seoul Queer Culture Festival, International Guest Lecture - Professor Ju Hui Judy Han: From Queer and Family to Queer Family - Feminist Analysis on the Resistance frame to Queer Culture Festival
1) Dates and Venue: 2024.06.08(Sat) 14:00-16:30, Seoul Global Center - International Conference Hall (38, Jong-ro Jongno-gu, Seoul)
2) Introduction: 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the Seoul Queer Culture Festival at the same time a decade since the emergence of organized hate groups following the first Queer Parade in Sinchon in 2014. Since then, these hate groups have systematically disrupted queer cultural festivals across the country each year, using various tactics. This lecture will analyze the anti-queer cultural festival framework of hate groups from a feminist perspective that critiques gender binary, fixed gender roles, and sexual norms. It will particularly examine the recent focus of hate groups on “family values.” By utilizing the feminist analytical framework to scrutinize hate groups, it will also explore potential future prospects.
3) How to Participate:
- Please RSVP via the link below:
- https://bit.ly/SQCFlecture

1. Slogan
2. Dates
- 2024.05.27(Mon)-06.18(Tue)
3. Introduction
- The Seoul Queer Culture Festival(SQCF) is a series of open cultural events hosted in Seoul every summer with the vision of “Creating a space where all people with diverse identities, including sexual orientation and gender identity, mingle equally and enjoy”.
Since the first event in 2000 when it was called “Queer Culture Festival-Rainbow 2000”, the festival had taken place with different names like “Queer Culture Festival-Rainbow OOOO” and “Queer Culture Festival” before finally settling on “Seoul Queer Culture Festival” in 2018 and continues under this name today.
The festival’s highlights include the Seoul Queer Parade and the Korea Queer Film Festival, as well as other diverse events during the festival period.
It is hosted and organized by the Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee, which consists of citizen volunteers.
4. Host & Organizer
- Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee
5. Website & Social Media Pages
1) Website: https://sqcf.org/
2) E-mail: contact@sqcf.org
3) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sqcforg
4) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sqcforg
5) X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/sqcforg
6) YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/sqcforg/
6. Donation
1) General information in regard to making donations can be found in the following link(Korean): https://sqcf.org/donate
2) If donating from overseas, you may donate your desired amount through the following PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/sqcforg
7. Online Queer Parade 2024
1) Dates & Venue: 2024.05.27(Mon)-06.18(Tue), Online Queer Parade Website(https://online.sqcf.org/) and other social media platforms
2) Introduction: "Online Queer Parade” was launched to move beyond the environment that was difficult for us to meet face to face due to the pandemic in 2020. The Online Queer Parade continues to this day to foster online communication and solidarity. Every participant can create their own avatar and upload them on social media. By using hashtags and other features, the participants can form a virtual parade with their avatars. With this parade, we aim to send a vibrant, joyful message of solidarity to the LGBTQIA+ community.
In 2022, the Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee received the rights to operate the Online Queer Parade and the related copyrights from Dotface, which hosted the 1st and the 2nd Online Queer Parade. Since then, the Seoul Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee has been the host of the Online Queer Parade.
3) How to participate
(1) Go to the Online Queer Parade website.
- https://online.sqcf.org/
(2) Create your own avatar and save it.
- Use various settings to create your avatar and save the completed avatar. You can choose your nickname, hairstyle, clothes, and accessories as you wish.
(3) Post it on the Online Queer Parade website or on social media feeds.
- You can upload the saved image on various social media, including Online Queer Parade website or on Instagram. In social media, If you upload it with hashtag #YESQUEER, you can join the other participants. Please upload with the alternative text provided with the final image so that more people including those with seeing disability could understand your avatar. Your avatar image can be used in various ways, including your social media profile picture.
(4) Time to brag!
- You can see your avatar joining the Online Queer Parade procession along with other avatars on the Online Queer Parade website or through social media hashtags. Screenshot it and show it off here and there.
8. Rainbow Merch Festa 2024
1) Dates & Venue: 2024.05.27(Mon)-06.18(Tue), Rainbow Store Website(https://rainbowstore.net/event)
2) Introduction: Meet colorful merchandise in “Rainbow Merch Festa”! Rainbow Merch Festa is an E-commerce platform which introduces merchandise made from small businesses, to one-person companies, content creators and organizations that are operating meaningful businesses to support the LGBTQIA+ community. Don't miss the limited-edition goods and events that you can only see during the Festa!
9. The 2024 24th Korea Queer Film Festival(KQFF)
1) Online Screening Dates & Venue: 2024.06.01(Sat)-06.18(Tue), Purplay Website(https://purplay.co.kr/kqff2024)
2) Offline Screening Dates & Venue: 06.15(Sat)-16(Sun), arthouse MOMO(Ewha Women’s Univ, ECC B402; 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul)
3) Website & Social Media Pages:
(1) Website: https://www.kqff.co.kr/
(2) E-mail: kqff@kqff.co.kr
(3) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kqcfkqff
(4) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kqcfkqff
(5) X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/kqcfkqff
(6) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/sqcforg/
4) Screening Information:
(1) Online Screening Platform
① Platform: Purplay (https://purplay.co.kr/kqff2024)
② Screening Dates: 2024.06.01(Sat) 00:00-06.18(Tue) 24:00
③ How to Use: Through Purplay’s PC or mobile website(PC recommended)
④ Ticket Price: Section(Package) 6,000 KRW, Feature 6,000 KRW, Short 2,000 KRW
⑤ How to Purchase:
i. Sign up/log into Purplay’s website(https://purplay.co.kr/kqff2024) → Click [Korea Queer Film Festival Online Theater] page → Purchase tickets
ii. Payment Methods: Credit card, KakaoPay, Micropayment, Real-time bank transfer
⑥ Ticket Valid Period: 48 hours
⑦ Cancellation and Refund: Refund not issued after payment
⑧ Subtitles:
ⅰ. For international films, Korean and English subtitles are provided.
ⅱ. Among domestic(Korean) films, Subtitles are not provided. We apologize for any inconvenience.
⑨ Rating: Ⓖ General Audiences, ⑫ Rated 12, ⑮ Rated 15, ⑱ Rated 18
⑩ Note:
ⅰ.Tickets may be purchased until the last day – June 18 (Tue) 21:00. Viewing is valid for 48 hours from the time of purchase.
ⅱ. No cancellations or refunds are allowed even if the tickets were not
used during the screening period.
ⅲ. All films will be watermarked.
(2) Offline Screening Venue:
① Venue: arthouse MOMO(Ewha Women’s Univ, ECC B402; 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul)
② Screening Dates: 2024.06.15(Sat)-16(Sun)
③ Ticket Price: Closing Ceremony 15,000 KRW, General Film 10,000 KRW
④ How to Purchase:
ⅰ. Purchase it through arthouse MOMO website(https://www.arthousemomo.co.kr/)
ⅱ. Payment Methods: Credit card, KakaoPay, Micropayment, Payco
⑤ Cancellation and refund: Up to 20 minutes before the viewing time, no refund if viewing time has passed
⑥ Subtitles:
ⅰ. For international films, Korean and English subtitles are provided.
ⅱ. Among domestic(Korean) films, Subtitles are not provided. We apologize for any inconvenience.(Closing film provided with English subtitles)
ⅲ. Seats for wheelchair users are available.
⑦ Rating: Ⓖ General Audiences, ⑫ Rated 12, ⑮ Rated 15, ⑱ Rated 18
⑧ Side Events Notes: GV(Guest Visit, Talk with the Audience)
⑨ Note:
i. All films showcased in Korean Queer Film Festival will start at the stated time, and late entry after 10 minutes since the start of the film will be limited. Designated seats marked on the tickets are not guaranteed after the movie starts. In the case of the short film section, you can enter the auditorium after every short film is over.
ii. Some foods and drinks may not be allowed to ensure a pleasant theater experience for everyone.
5) Side Events:
(1) GV(Guest Visit, Talk with the Audience)
① Introduction: The director, actors, or staff members who participated in the production of the movie will take the time to communicate with the audience.
② [Domestic feature -1-] Threaten Korea Queer Culture Festival - Love your neighbor as yourself | 06.15(Sat) 10:00-11:03, Darak-bang, starts after screening
③ [Domestic feature -2-] Home Ground | 06.16(Sun) 10:00-11:25, Darak-bang, starts after screening
④ [Domestic short -1-] Queering Film(퀴어링 필름) | 06.15(Sat) 17:19-19:25, Theater 1, starts after screening
⑤ [Domestic short -2-] Encounter(마주침) | 06.15(Sat) 19:40-21:56, Theater 1, starts after screening
⑥ [Domestic short -3-] Ready, Action, Go!(레디, 액션, 고!) | 06.16(Sun) 11:40-14:05, Theater 1, starts after screening
⑦ [International short -2-] Here and Nowhere Else(다른 곳 아닌, 바로 이곳) <GIRLY / Coffee Grapefruit Cacao> | 06.15(Sat) 13:17-15:12, Theater 1, starts after screening
⑧ [Australian Embassy in Korea Special Screening -2-] Together in cinema <Neuromance / Isla’s Way> | 06.16(Sun) 16:34-18:30, Theater 1, starts after screening(Audience greetings)
⑨ [Closing film] Concerning My Daughter | 06.16(Sun) 19:10-22:00, Theater 1, Progressed in the following order: Closing ceremony–GV–Closing film
(2) Closing Ceremony
① Introduction: After the film, there will be an “Ending Credit”, which is the way we the Film Festival would like to end this year’s journey. There will be a KQFF Choice award ceremony and surprise guest visits.
② Dates & Venue: 06.16(Sun) 19:10-22:00, Theater 1, Progressed in the following order: Closing ceremony–GV–Closing film
10. The 2024 25th Seoul Queer Parade(SQP)
1) Dates and Venue: 2024.06.01(Sat), Area extending from Namdaemun-ro to Ujeongguk-ro(Euljiro Station~Jonggak Station)
2) Website & Social Media Pages:
(1) Website: https://www.sqcf.org/
(2) E-mail: sqpexe@sqcf.org
(3) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sqpexe
(4) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sqpexe
(5) X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/sqpexe
(6) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/sqcforg/
3) Program:
(1) Booth Events:
① Time: 11:00-19:00
② Introduction: There are about 60 booths where you can join in various creative and interactive activities. Take a look around the venue and try participating in each of these activities. You can also help different NGOs which work hard for our community by making donations.
(2) Welcome Performances:
① Time: 14:00-16:00
② Introduction: This part of the event welcomes everyone who are joining the Seoul Queer Parade. Please enjoy the exciting performances before the start of the parade. Additionally, please listen to the joint remarks of people from all walks of life in Korean society, and feel the energy of support and solidarity.
(3) Parade(March):
① Time: 16:00-18:00
② Introduction: We will march around the city with pride. We will dance and cheer with overflowing energy, celebrating and standing in solidarity with each other. As we exist, gather, and walk together, Seoul will become a city full of rainbow colors and possibilities for coexistence.
(4) Celebrating Performances:
① Time: 18:00-19:30
② Introduction: This part of the event celebrates our completion and safe return from the march. Please hold on to the passion and pride you have recharged at the Seoul Queer Parade, which is held only once a year. We will meet again next year to celebrate each other's existence.
4) Information for participants:
(1) Guidance on accessibilities for persons with disabilities
① You can move around the venue by wheelchair.
ⅰ. The venue and the parade course are wheelchair-accessible.
ⅱ. There are restrooms inside the venue for participants with wheelchairs.
② Sign language and text interpretations(both in Korean) will be conducted.
ⅰ. Sign language and text interpretations will be available during stage events(Welcome Performances, Celebrating Performances) on the screen in stage.
ⅱ. The sign language used at the Seoul Queer Culture Festival is based on "Deaf and Gender Minorities X Korean Sign Language: A language of respect and affirmation that removes prejudice and hatred (https://deafqueerkor.org/dqksl-about/ #)" developed and compiled by the "Korea Deaf LGBT Preparation Committee". Thank you for the hard work of the Korea Deaf LGBT Preparation Committee.
(2) On the Day of the Event
① There are restroom trailers.
ⅰ. Portable restrooms are installed inside the venue and are gender-neutral. There are also restrooms for participants with wheelchairs and strollers.
ⅱ. If you are looking for other restrooms nearby, you can find one by searching "화장실(Restrooms)” on the map application and locating public restrooms nearby.
② There will be an area dedicated to separating the trash.
- There is an area for separate waste collection inside the venue, and professional cleaning companies reside for waste collection, disposal, and maintaining the venue's cleanliness and hygiene.
③ There will be medical offices.
ⅰ. There is a medical office inside the venue, with professional medical staff and volunteers stationed to prepare for emergency situations. Emergency medicine is also provided.
ii. The medical office is operated in cooperation with the "한국성소수자의료연구회(Korean Association for LGBTQ Medicine)". We would like to thank them for their hard work.
④ When someone tries to interview or film the participants, please check the following.
ⅰ. The SQCF Organizing Committee is issuing press cards to all forms of media, along with guidelines for coverage and filming.
ⅱ. If you are asked for consent to be interviewed or featured in a media clip, please check whether or not the reporters and photographers have a press card. Keeping their affiliation, purpose, business card, or contact information can also be of great help in the case of unexpected incidents
⑤ Please be careful not to leave the parade route once the event starts.
ⅰ. Please take care not to collide with vehicles or pedestrians outside the parade as you march.
ⅱ. Vehicles such as buses and passenger cars will pass through the opposite lane of the parade route. For your safety, please be careful of this when you take photos, move your seat, or start walking around.
ⅲ. Around the parade route, staff members are working to keep you safe. Please follow the on-site guidance of the staff.
⑥ Please move back inside the venue right after the parade.
ⅰ. If the final destination is crowded, the following vehicles and other participants cannot move. Please enter inside the venue as soon as you arrive, to secure a space for everyone.
ⅱ. The venue has a celebrating performances for participants who returned safely from the parade, so please go inside and enjoy the performances.
5) Guidelines for Reporting and Filming(Press Information):
(1) With the exception of taking and releasing photos and videos(selfies, group photos, etc.) with yourself or with your group, gatherings, friends, etc., if you intend to cover and film other participants or distribute the content to an unspecified number of people, you must follow these guidelines for coverage and filming. In addition, you must obtain a press card through the press booth on the day of the event.
(2) The content of the coverage and filming must comply with the provisions of the Journalists Association of Korea's "Human Rights Reporting Rules Chapter 8: LBGTQ+ Rights"(http://www.journalist.or.kr/news/section4.html?p_num=7).
(3) Even if you are issued a press card, if you intend to cover and film for other participants or distribute the contents to an unspecified readership, you must share your affiliation, contact information, name, business card, etc. with the person being filmed and obtain their final consent.
(4) If personal information, including the faces of other participants, is unintentionally filmed in addition to the person subject to the consent, the personal information of other participants who did not seek consent should be protected via blurring out their faces in the photos.
(5) List of media not permitted to cover
- The SQCF Organizing Committee fully endorses journalists who fight for a better world without discrimination, but takes a firm stance against media that reinforces discrimination and hatred against the LGBTQ+ community.
- KHTV, Kookmin Ilbo(국민일보/Kukmin Daily), Daily Good News(데일리굿뉴스), Christian Today (크리스천투데이)
11. In Celebration of the 25th Seoul Queer Culture Festival, International Guest Lecture - Professor Ju Hui Judy Han: From Queer and Family to Queer Family - Feminist Analysis on the Resistance frame to Queer Culture Festival
1) Dates and Venue: 2024.06.08(Sat) 14:00-16:30, Seoul Global Center - International Conference Hall (38, Jong-ro Jongno-gu, Seoul)
2) Introduction: 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the Seoul Queer Culture Festival at the same time a decade since the emergence of organized hate groups following the first Queer Parade in Sinchon in 2014. Since then, these hate groups have systematically disrupted queer cultural festivals across the country each year, using various tactics. This lecture will analyze the anti-queer cultural festival framework of hate groups from a feminist perspective that critiques gender binary, fixed gender roles, and sexual norms. It will particularly examine the recent focus of hate groups on “family values.” By utilizing the feminist analytical framework to scrutinize hate groups, it will also explore potential future prospects.
3) How to Participate:
- Please RSVP via the link below:
- https://bit.ly/SQCFlecture